Thursday, February 02, 2012

A Little 411!

Just a brief update to bring all of the citizens of Blogville up to speed.
Two more pages have appeared on this blog-aside from The Kissing Booth, Yummers Fur Your Sweetie, King and Queen Vote, Pawsome Raffle Prizes  and Loved recipients of Yummers-and they are important too.
First thing's first. The page entitled, "PAWTY Central" has all of the links for the other pages on it in one location. That means you can get to any of the activities from that particular page.
Second of all, there is a page entitled "daily results," which will keep you up to date on who kissed who and how the voting is going. The exact number of votes for particular individuals will not be released as we want the result on February 14th to be a surprise, but it will give you an idea and hopefully get a little bit of good natured competition going.
Also, don't forget the check out the "Loved Recipients of Yummers" page because it too is getting updated multiple times a day.
And last, but certainly not least, another exciting, or not so exciting depending on your point of view, activity  is going to be happening in Blogville. The details of this will be released at a later date, but can we say "Sarge" and "police work?" ;)
That's all for now. Make sure to check out the new pages to stay up to date on what's happening with the Blogville PAWTY!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

THIS is just so super wonderful... 12 more days... WHEEEEEEEEEEeee

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Good! We've been buyin' our kisses and our tickets and doin our voting and our shopping. We'll have to check the updates!

Dachshund Nola said...

I can't wait!!!
Dachshund Nola

Scrappy Angel said...

This is fascinating me...I am literally begging my peeps to let me join in the fun. Mom needs some convincing. I will keep working on her. She usually gives in!