Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Doggie Bakery Progress

As the title of this post would suggest, my little doggie business is starting to take form. It's still all beginning stages stuff-I don't even have my website up and running yet-but it's coming along. I really enjoy putting the baskets together or baking the cookies. The creative things are what I look forward to, but the business plan writing is such a drag. However, it's a necessary evil that needs to get done. I know I'm not alone whenI say "I hate paperwork," and I'll have to get used to it.
I have another vender show coming up in December and I'm hoping to establish a few more clients. I have my product list ready. NOw all I need to do is start baking. There has to be a balance though-I can't start too soon or the treats won't be fresh and will go bad too soon since they are preservative free. But, if I leave everything to the last minute, I'll be up all night and probably won't get everything done.
I have a few fun ideas for decorating some of the cookies and Mom and I are even going to build a doggie gingerbread house to raffle off. Well, as long as it turns out.
I also got the great news today that Dublin Dog Co. is letting me be a dealer for them. I'm so excited because they have some of the most amazing products. The "no stink" collars are fabulous and will be the first thing i order in. I really like this company not only because their products are fabulous, but because they are huge supporters of shelters/rescues and service dog programs. It's great to be able to be associated with a company whose core values line up so closely with mine. I've had a hard time picking what to order since everything is great. I'm like a kid in a candy shop. The Rep. I am dealing with has been great though and is sending me a "mock" order to help me narrow things down. So, on top of their great products and amazing social awareness, they also have great customer service. How could you possibly ask for more?
With that I'll leave you-I have more browsing to do. ;)

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