Friday, October 28, 2011

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Last night I went to bed probably the earliest I have since we've gotten here. I was worn out from the day and knew I'd be getting up a bit earlier than normal to meet E for our first triathlon training session. However, I didn't think I'd get up as early as I did.
To be quite honest, I am a very heavy sleeper. I am usually quick to fall asleep and usually, once I'm out it's hard to wake me up. I know I'm incredibly blessed in that regard because most people don't have the luxury of sleeping like the dead. So last night when I passed out just after ten, I didn't plan on springing to life at 5 in the morning. I got up and peed and then stumbled back to bed, half awake and a bit chilly. I laid in bed for another two hours, but just couldn't stay still any longer. Thoughts of the upcoming practice kept flittering through my mind and also of how I'm to solve the rest of the logistical issues of training.
I know it's the excitement of starting training that wouldn't let me fall back asleep. I am looking forward to running outside and enjoying a cool autumn morning with a friend. When I was training for swimming, the only fresh air I got to enjoy was walking to and from practice. Pools are usually quite hot, humid and stink of chlorine. I can't wait to actually run. Running as a blind person is contingent on either having access to a  treadmill or to a guide. Up until now, I haven't had a guide and don't think I've run outside for enjoyment since high school: that means it's been about ten years.
I know there will be days when the novelty will have worn off and it's freezing and/or raining out and I just won't want to drag my butt out of bed.  For today though,  I am content to enjoy the excitement of running outside and also to enjoy the feeling of finally beginning real triathlon training.


pattib said...

Go Jess!!!!

Becky Andrews said...

Oh how exciting!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Had a little hard time dragging out of bed this morning for the run.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

Yes, sounds like great fun except for Mr. G. Until they closed my mountain for "improvements", I used to take my Human running the mountain with me.

We've been jogging the hills at the farm. The Human jogs erratic because of the wild raspberry and blackberry vines that like to snare her legs. She's afraid of falling.

Y'all come back now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Jess, here's a link you might enjoy. This girl is not totally blind yet. She runs with her guide dog.

Hope the link works for you. It is on "Life With Dogs" then look for "Blind Runner".

BrownDog's Human

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Good luck and have fun!

Brandon's Raiser