Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun Fact Friday

Originally I was going to do a Fun Fact Friday revolving around Leader Dogs for the Blind and some interesting facts about that organisation, but in light of the natural disasters happening around the world as of late, I changed my mind.

Fifteen Fun Facts: What I am grateful For (In no particular order).

1. My parents. No matter how long I have been away, whether it has been two weeks on a swim competition, or six months because I moved away to go to university, my parents have always provided me with a warm bed to come back to. They fill my tummy with good, nourishing  food and make me feel loved.

2. Fuzzies to snuggle with. Ever since I was six years old, I have never been animal free and don't think I ever could be. There's nothing like a purring kitty, or a wagging dog tail to put a smile on your face.

3. Glacier. I am grateful for our new found communication skills and the way we have bonded. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to traverse the obstacles of life with such a handsome and loyal set of furry eyes. :)

4. Mr. K-despite my crazy hair brained ideas and my need to see the world, he supports me and can serve as my voice of reason. How many people do you know who would make the sacrifices to move across an ocean?

5. I am grateful for the amazingly supportive friends I have. My circle reaches across Canada, into the United States and all the way to the UK and without these wonderful people in my life, I would have a much harder time.

6. Coffee-enough said. :)

7. I am grateful, and always will be, for the generous gifts that people have given Mr. K and I for our wedding. My grandparents are paying for the reception dinner; a family friend is making our wedding cake as a gift; our photographer is going to be my uncle and the pictures are going to be our gift from him and my Aunt; a friend's Mom and Dad are making the Bridal flowers and that will be our present from her and her parents; friends are singing/playing music for our ceremony; the list of generosity could go on and on.

8. I am more than grateful for my physical health. Considering what I put my body through for eight years of competitive sport, I really don't have any lasting injuries or problems that have hindered my day to day life. I also don't have to take daily medication for anything and am currently health problem free.

9. I am so grateful for the opportunity Leader Dogs for the Blind gave me to re-connect with Glacier. Without that experience, a very good dog would have been retired.

10. The opportunities I have been given in my life have just been amazing. I have had the chance to go to post-secondary education twice without incurring student debts. I have been to 13 different countries due to my travels as an elite athlete and I am about to embark on another journey. I have worked hard for these things to happen, but I know that not everyone  is able to have such experiences and so I am grateful.

11. The people of my home town. Two and a half years after retiring from swimming, I still get stopped out in public by complete strangers who tell me that they are proud of me and what I have done for the city. It is just incredible.

12. As much as it drives me crazy, I am grateful for technology. Without computers that talk and Social Media sites, I would not be able to stay in contact with the many amazing people I have met throughout my life. It also enables me to go to school with a bit more ease.

13. Music-it has always been a stress reliever  for me and I am so grateful that I am able to listen to and play music.

14. I am grateful for the freedom that I have to be myself. This may sound cliche, but in Canada and the United States-and probably the UK-we have a lot of privileges and rights that people in other countries do not have and I am so grateful for that.

15. And last but not  least, I am grateful for the people who read my blog and leave supportive and helpful comments. I am also grateful that some of you who read also write and I am able to come along on your life's journey. :)

With everything that is occurring around us, it is very easy to forget to reflect on what is good. Take a moment for yourself and think about what is good in your life.
What are you grateful for?


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I think it is very much wonderful that you seem to easily have found 15 thingys to be greatful fur!!!

My mom says the Coffee thingy is the best one.. hehehe

pattib said...

Very nice post! I'm grateful I've reconnected with your blog!

Brooke, Cessna, Canyon & Rogue said...

This was such a great idea! I'll have to think a bit, but maybe I'll write a similar post on our blog :)

Hope you guys are doing well and give me a call when you get a chance or send me your number and I'll call you!

Jen said...

Great idea, and what a great post!

Funny you mention that all the natural disasters recently have made you think about how lucky you are. I can completely relate to that, as I was in Thailand in 2004 when the tsunami happened, and as you can imagine, this was a lifechanging experience. I returned home, lucky to be alive and more thankful for the good things in life, and when I'm annoyed about something I often think about that day and how lucky I am.