Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Jess's Public Service Announcement

So, today I have decided to encourage all of you to be active participants in the society around you. :)
My first rant of the day will be about the polar bears and how we are killing them. If you go to the WWF website you can click on a bunch of links that will explain to you how they are drowning thanks to global warming and how they have to swim up to 100 kilometres just to find food. (This not normal for them). And how some of the chemicals we are using, I believe they are called POD.'s, are poisoning the food chain and so by the time it reaches the polar bears they concentration of this chemical is so high that it kills them. NOT GOOOOOOODDDD!!!! So, since everyone has special people in their lives that need to be reminded, symbollically adopt them a polar bear. Or maybe even a polar bear family!
Secondly, if you are a Canadian citizen, you need to help lobby the government. Their budget comes up in a little less than ten days and it is important to send them letters to remind them of their promises to give sport and physical activity a 1 percent budget increase. Yes, I know there are other pressing issues out there such as, child care and health care, but sport and physical activity can be assist with both of these social issues. Below I have pasted the email I received and you can judge for yourself if you think it is important enough to send an email or letter.
Have a great day!
Let’s get this budget started.

Yes, we are just about one month away from federal budget day. And it turns out we have less than 10 days for sport to make a difference in how that budget
looks, to convince the Conservative Government to convert their campaign pledge into fiscal policy in this budget. This would provide unprecedented funding
for sport and physical activity equal to 1% of federal health spending or at least $300 million/year. (See below for more info on Conservative Party election

It seems to some, including me, that despite the election promises, budget commitments to sport and physical activity may not surface.

What’s up?

Parliament is in motion and the Conservative government is crafting its first budget to focus on the 5 main priorities. Still, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty
is taking a page from the populist’s handbook by turning to Canadians like us to determine what will be implemented now – and by default, what may happen
later in the life of the minority parliament, if ever. This presents a unique window of opportunity for the millions of sport participants and volunteers,
plus the tens of thousands of sport and physical activity organizations in communities across Canada.

The government wishes to hear from Canadians - from families, from community groups, from friends of Canadian sport, and from Canadian sport and physical
activity organizations. And they stop hearing from us on April 19th - just 10 days away.

So, let’s speak up…now. And pass along this email to others.


It’s easy. Send an email to the Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty (
That’s it. Copy your MP
(click here for a list).
You could blind copy us too if you want (bcc:

What to say?

Something in your own words, that’s for sure. It doesn’t make sense for everyone to send the same story. Use your own experience to describe what the 1%
can accomplish.

One Friend of Canadian Sport, Victor Lachance, already wrote something this simple, “Dear Minister Flaherty: If you care about families like mine, you’ll
move ahead with your promises to sport and to physical activity. Best wishes, Victor Lachance, Riding of Glengarry Prescott Russell. cc to MP, Pierre Lemieux”

We all heard the messages from Torino and Melbourne too - that every child is an athlete and that every athlete has a hometown. We can remind the Minister
that our children and athletes are ready for Canada to become an active nation again. And about what it will take to get us there – the 1% investment.

Some sport organizations are preparing formal letters outlining how the 1% investment in Canadians now is better than an investment in the health care system

Others are describing how sport – from playground to podium – is one way to address the root causes of crime in our urban communities.

Pick an approach that works for you. Pick another angle. The important thing is that you send the message. For help, call us at 1 800 670 5785, email
or visit
PS: update, talked to coach yesterday. didn't kill each other, but I'm not sure how much he actually heard me say. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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