Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Triathlon Thoughts

Quite a while back-like in August of 2010-I thought I would try training for a triathlon. I had hired a coach and everything, but as I began to realise that finding someone to be my guide in South Carolina would be near next to impossible, I put those notions on the back burner; but the idea of training and wanting to compete never really left my mind. I had run into a few road blocks as well with the American head coach of Disability Triathlon not replying to my inquiries about the sport and wasn't really sure where to turn. With our upcoming move to Scotland, the urge to start training for a Triathlon is upon me again.
I'm not entirely sure ow hectic my class schedule will be in the fall, but if I can manage being a student, a wife and a training athlete I would love to do this. I know that Queen Margaret University has a fully loaded gym, which would be incredibly convenient. Tapping into the university's athletic population may be my answer to finding a guide as well. Not to mention, being in a Physiotherapy program may give me access to a more athletic population that I otherwise would not have had contact with.
I'm not sure how realistic the desire to become a competitive triathlete is, but I think it's something I can do. The process may take longer to get to a point where I am training properly, but "slow and steady" wins the race right? I know that being here at my parents' for two months will give me access to pool time and when I get back to SC I will be able to swim in the apartment's outdoor pool. It's probably not an ideal training facility, but it could be better than nothing. The apartment complex also has a small gym and even though some of the equipment is broken, there are a few machines that I would be able to use; at least until we get to Scotland and I can find a guide. With this lofty goal in mind, I will leave you for today and get my behind on the Elliptical. :)

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